Selling my water disfigurement Portland home

My Portland, OR home absolutely had a leak in the roof that then created a home bunch of water disfigurement.

I didn’t see the disfigurement until too late.

I work a whole lot plus am hardly ever home. The water disfigurement just got worse plus worse with nobody making the fix. By the time I called in roofers they told me the whole thing needed to be updated. My ceiling was all rotted plus coming down in pieces. The structure of the cabin wasn’t as solid anymore. I was looking at quite an extensive service bill. I didn’t even actually like my OR real estate either. I started looking at selling my Portland property fast for cash. I knew a real estate agent would require me to make updates plus fix all the water disfigurement. I just didn’t have the time, energy, or the cash to do all that work. So I found a company that said my friend and I buy houses fast for cash. I took them for their word. My friend and I hashed out a price plus I signed some papers. That was it. Selling a water disfigurement home didn’t mean a whole lot to them. I figure there is a price for a certain amount of disfigurement plus a price for the rest of the condition of the home. I was cheerful that I could get rid of a cabin that was coming down in my opinion. I didn’t want to hang onto a piece of property that was just going to get more plus more costly to fix. Selling a water disfigurement home for cash is the way to go.

tired landlord selling properties