Galvanized double loop tie wires

Over the last year, it seems that every time you turn around, there is a shortage on something.

  • I don’t know if it is still the pandemic wreaking havoc, or if it is just people trying to push up the price of already overpriced items.

I just paid $5.00 for 1 ½ dozen eggs. Can you believe it? I hate to think what my granddaughter is paying for the material she needs to finish her jewelry. Last week, she was looking for galvanized dooble loop tie wires. She wanted to use it for some earrings she was making. She got a special order from a new customer. They were looking for something special for a product show she was going to. She worked for a metals shop and she wanted twenty-five sets of earrings out of galvanized double loop tie wires in ½ inch, and fifty galvanized double loop tie wire money clips. I was sure she was going to have a rough time, but she said she was enjoying her job. They sent her everything she needed to complete the order and paid her really well for her time. When she was done with the earrings, I couldn’t believe they were made out of construction wire. The money clips turned out absolutely adorable. She also made some different items out of the galvanized double loop tie wires that she could sell for herself, but first she was going to offer them to the company that gave her the tie wire. They told her to use whatever was leftover, but she didn’t feel right doing it without saying something.

rebar tie wire made in USA